La Vie En Rose
“La vie en rose” directly translated from French means “life in pink”, but the saying means to “see life through rose-coloured glasses”—to try and see beauty in the everyday and find that casual magic (you visiting my garden of the internet is my casual magic for the day). Sometimes, the world seems to be consumed by tsunamis of useless noise, chaos and rubbish, exacerbated through mainstream media’s portrayal of everything as teetering on the cliff of doom. But there is beauty enveloping us still—if only you’d put on your rose-coloured glasses. Welcome to “gentle-stream media”!
Meet Emily
she’s perseverance, peonies & poise, skincare & wellness, like the moonlight sonata & raindrop prelude, studying & school, critical thoughts and intellectualism, workouts & nutritious meals, violets and vaseline, ambition & discipline, green smoothies & salads, books and fig fields, lucid dreams and lavender, milk tea and muji pens, all submerged in flowery prose with a spritz of lucky-girl syndrome.
[T minus 3, 2, 1…lift-off]
is an every-monday-morning newsletter that emulates the feeling of opening a letter from a friend while sipping on a mug of tea or coffee with a journal cracked open next to you. It boosts your journaling experience and practise to the highest level—a journaling ritual—to fit within your highest life.
It has six snappy sections (the 3, 2, 1 part is inspired by James Clear):
where I spill a little tea to do with my life…
I share my tweet-of-the-week
where I share 1 thing I’m minusing from my life that doesn’t belong in my highest life (I encourage you to do the same).
3 ideas from me
1 question to journal about and consider this week
A HYPE-YOU-UP AFFIRMATION FOR THE WEEK IN ALL CAPS + a call to lift up others too by sharing the email
(Also you are welcome to reply to T-3-2-1…LIFT-OFF emails with your thoughts—I love replying to all of them!)
return home and scroll down a bit to join!